Meet the FOCUS Missionaries

Beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, the Saint Benedict Institute is partnering with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) to bring a group of young missionaries to the campus of Hope College. These recent college graduates minister to students through Bible studies and other initiatives. We asked the four missionaries to answer two simple questions at the beginning of the fall 2023 semester, and we present their answers below. You can read their full bios on our staff page.

Lauren DiIulio

How did you discern becoming a FOCUS missionary?

I was originally set on doing the Echo Program at the University of Notre Dame, where I would have pursued a M.A. in Theology for no cost. It sounded like the best option on paper, so I applied for FOCUS as a backup plan. However, as my period of discernment proceeded, I felt more and more drawn to FOCUS. I knew that I desired greater intimacy with the Lord over anything else, and I felt in my heart that what FOCUS had to offer would lead me in deeper spiritual formation and closer to sainthood. I wanted to choose the path that would help me become the kind of person and disciple that would best prepare me to love and serve God well in my vocation after FOCUS. Nothing brings me more fulfillment and joy than sharing my passion for Jesus and the Catholic faith with others, so I can't wait to do that at Hope!

What are you looking forward to about serving at Hope College?

I am so excited to live in Holland and explore all the city has to offer with the students I encounter. The Lord was very attentive to my desires in my placement, as tulips are my favorite flower, and I love nature and the beach! Above all, I can't wait to meet new people and be a part of the Hope College community. I can already tell the Lord is doing amazing things within the Catholic campus ministry, so it is an honor to be invited as an extension of the great things already happening here!

Ben Lahart

How did you discern becoming a FOCUS missionary?

I became a FOCUS missionary because while I was in college, the missionaries had such a huge impact on both my spiritual and “normal” life and I felt that if I could do the same for someone else I should. I also saw it as an excellent chance to grow closer to the Lord individually as well.

What are you looking forward to about serving at Hope College?

I’m looking forward to just meeting students, getting to know them and where they’re at in life, and then begin walking with them and sharing life with them!

Gabby Hancock

How did you discern becoming a FOCUS missionary?

I had a deep thirst to become more formed in the faith and to share it with others. I am very convicted that the battle lies amidst college campuses, and I wanted to be a part of it and teach young women about their worth and dignity in Christ. I know that this role is preparing me to be a better nurse and maybe one day a better wife and mother.  

What are you looking forward to about serving at Hope College?

I am looking forward to witnessing the Christian community in general and to just learn! I am very excited to meet the students and become a part of the beauty of this robust community. I am also excited to just be able to hang out and explore the area—hopefully pick some fruit and go hiking in some nature!

Nathan Lindholm

How did you discern becoming a FOCUS missionary?

I discerned becoming a FOCUS missionary by asking the Lord what he wanted for my life. He had been calling me to go on a mission with him in some capacity, but I wasn't sure what. My idea of fulfilling this would have been on my own terms, part-time, in addition to a cushy tech job. Really what the Lord wanted from me was to surrender my life to him and go on mission full time. I felt an indescribable peace when I surrendered to the Lord rather than try to grasp control of my future. Jesus is faithful and I can attest that he is never outdone in generosity.

What are you looking forward to about serving at Hope College?

I'm excited about a lot of things at Hope this year. The most exciting thing so far has been how much of an adventure it is here. This is Hope College's first year with a FOCUS team, so it has been fun to figure out where we fit into the mix and how God wants to move on campus this year.