Understanding Fertility: Women's Health and Theology of the Body

The women of Hope College are invited to join us for a three-week seminar on fertility and women’s health. Dinner is included. Students only.

You may attend the sessions individually or come for all three!

Night One: Dr. Kim Barrows on Contraceptives

Dr. Kim Barrows has worked as a family medicine physician for over a decade, most recently in Omaha, NE. It was there at the Pope Paul VI Institute at Creighton University that she acquired specialty training in NaPro Technology, a women’s health science that networks family planning with reproductive and gynecological health monitoring and maintenance.

According to Dr. Barrows, the benefits of NaPro Technology span a variety of women’s health issues beyond the natural management of fertility: infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, post-partum depression, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, recurrent ovarian cysts, and more. Dr. Barrows is the mother of five children, a classical singer and enjoys waterskiing, and teaching children’s choirs and dance teams.

Night Two: Melissa Mulder and Carly Mcshane on Theology of the Body

Melissa Mulder teaches introductory and intermediate Spanish language and grammar courses and Introductory Latin American Culture and History. In 2019 she traveled with Hope students to Puebla, Mexico, where she taught a cultural heritage May Term course. She enjoys visiting museums in the Midwest with students to see exhibitions of work by Latin American artists.

She serves as the faculty advisor of two student groups: Hope Catholics and Hope’s chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the Spanish honor society.

Professor Mulder, who is also proficient in Portuguese, has been teaching at Hope since 2005.

Carly McShane serves as the Saint Benedict Institute campus missionary with a full-time ministry to the Hope College community. Her role is to cultivate friendships with students, build them up in Christ, and help them discover how to serve God in the world. She assists Fr. Nick in building a Catholic Campus ministry at Hope.

Carly leads women’s groups on campus and is available to meet with students one-on-one. In 2022, she began formation to become a certified spiritual director through the School of Spiritual Direction at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.

Night Three: Laura Cole on the Creighton Model of Natural Family planning

Laura Cole is a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner Intern dedicated to empowering women to be active participants in their gynecological health and married couples to plan their future together. She and her husband, Joe, began their own Creighton journey in 2017 and have been experiencing the benefits of charting her cycles using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and the healing provided by NaProTECHNOLOGY ever since. Inspired by their experience, Laura entered the 13 month allied health training program to become a FertilityCare Practitioner so others may experience the advantages themselves.

Her background includes 6 years in the pharmaceutical industry as a statistical programmer and statistician where she provided statistical leadership and data analysis for clinical trials across 14 different therapeutic areas and multiple pharmaceutical companies. In addition, she obtained an MS degree in Biostatistics from Grand Valley State University in 2016.