A Civil Dialogue on Sex and Gender

Featuring John Bursch and Megan DeFranza

Wednesday, October 16, 7:00 p.m. in Maas Auditorium

Perhaps no issues today are more contentious and more divisive than those surrounding sex and gender. Indeed, the questions have even irreparably divided some churches. Christians hold widely differing views, each side claiming biblical support and moral authority. Is it even possible to have a conversation with those who disagree? Can we talk in a way that brings more light than heat? Can we find points of agreement even while disagreeing? Can we evaluate each other's arguments and move toward the truth? The Saint Benedict Institute thinks we can.  

The Saint Benedict Institute is hosting attorney John Bursch and Dr. Megan DeFranza for an evening of civil dialogue on sex and gender. Mr. Bursch has written a recent book defending the Catholic Church's views on gender. Dr. DeFranza is known for her scholarly work concerning intersex people and gender minorities. Both approach these matters with a Christian lens. Both are seasoned practitioners of civil exchange and are eager to model how Christians can explore hard questions without demonizing those who hold other views.

This event is co-sponsored by the Provost's Office, the Dean for Arts & Humanities, the Pre-Law Society, and the Department of Philosophy.

John Bursch is the senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom. He has argued 12 US Supreme Court cases, including cases defending the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and sexuality. His most recent book, Loving God’s Children: The Church and Gender Ideology, was published in August 2023.

Megan DeFranza is a counselor, author, speaker, and filmmaker. She holds a Ph.D. in religious studies with a concentration in sex, gender, and sexuality. Her books include Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God.  Additionally, she directed the documentary “Stories of Intersex and Faith.”