Year-in-Review: 2021-2022

Left to right: 2022 Hope graduates Alex Bauer, Kam Wilcox, Becca Messiter, Caryn Dannah, and Nick Fornarotto. Also pictured: Fr. Nick Monco and Carly McShane.

The 2021-2022 academic year officially ended on Sunday, May 8, when Hope College seniors received their hard-earned degrees. We had a great year at the Saint Benedict Institute! Here are the highlights:

1. Race, Racism, and Antiracism

What is race? What is racism? How can Christians with different perspectives work together to oppose racism? At the beginning of the academic year, SBI co-sponsored a civil dialogue between Dr. Kevin Kambo and Dr. Matt Jantzen to explore the answers to these questions. The conversation was moderated by Hope College President Matthew Scogin.

2. The Genesis of Gender

SBI did not shy away from controversial issues this year! Shortly after the dialogue on race, we hosted Dr. Abigail Favale for a lecture that compared the Christian and feminist perspectives on sex and gender. There was a lively question and answer session following the talk.

3. Werewolves and Fainting Damsels

Later on in the fall semester, SBI hosted two Catholic authors of fiction to discuss what makes for a satisfying story. Eleanor Bourg Nicholson and Rhonda Ortiz defined the terms “genre” and “trope” and examined the conventions of the mystery, Gothic, and romance genres using examples from classic literature and their own novels.

4. Encounter Conference

In December 2021, several SBI students attended the Encounter Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This three-day event was organized by Encounter Ministries, a charismatic Catholic ministry. It featured praise and worship, Mass, speakers, breakout sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, a healing service, fellowship, and more.

5. Ordination of Deacon Brian Piecuch

On Saturday, January 8, 2022, seven men were ordained to the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Among them was our very own Development Director and Program Coordinator, Brian Piecuch! We interviewed Deacon Brian about his ordination and his ministry.

6. Extraterrestrial Life and catholic theology

What do aliens have to do with Catholic theology? Much more than you might think! In February, Prof. Chris Baglow, the Director of the Science and Religion Initiative at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, joined us for a fun and though-provoking talk on extraterrestrials, human nature, and the Incarnation.

7. Immersion Trip to Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Over spring break, Fr. Nick and Carly took a group of students to Saint Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana for a week of immersion in monastic religious life. Students joined the monks five times per day for prayer, worked on an outdoor project on the monastery grounds, and spent time with the monks.

8. Courtship, Marriage, and Sex

Society is giving our students very little good advice about how to navigate the world of love and romance. SBI stepped into that gap with a two-part seminar led by our co-founders and their wives. Jared Ortiz (Religion) and his wife Rhonda Ortiz (author) led the first seminar on courtship. Jack Mulder (Philosophy) and his wife Melissa Mulder (Spanish) led the second seminar on marriage and sex.

9. Blessing of the New Saint Anne Oratory

On March 11, the Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids, joined the Hope College Catholic community for a Mass of Blessing of the Saint Anne Oratory at the Carol C. Schaap Chapel in Graves Hall. This new sacred space is now the heart of our Catholic community on campus.

10. Mass and Adoration

Throughout the year, students, staff, and members of our community attended Sunday and weekday Masses on Hope’s campus. Eucharistic adoration also brought students, both Catholic and non-Catholic, closer to Christ. In addition to regular periods of Adoration offered each week, students were able to participate in 24-hour adoration several times this year.