Year-in-Review: 2022-2023

The 2022-2023 academic year was another great one for the Saint Benedict Institute and Catholic students at Hope College. Here are the highlights:

1. Student Interns

Our team grew this year when we welcomed four student interns in fall 2022. They are William Hurley, liturgy intern; Cameron Maloney, Exodus 90 intern; Kirsten Miskowski, evangelization intern; and Alec Kowalski, evangelization intern. Each of them has made a huge contribution to student ministry.

2. Louis Brown: Religious Freedom and Human Dignity

On September 20, we welcomed Louis Brown Jr., J.D., for a lecture titled “Religious Freedom and Human Dignity: The Contemporary Crisis in Healthcare.” Brown discussed current threats to religious freedom, the foundational importance of human dignity, and how Christians can respond to our contemporary situation.

3. Fr. Robert Sirico: The Economics of the Parables

On October 17, 2022, the Saint Benedict Institute was pleased to host Rev. Robert Sirico, who lectured on his latest book, The Economics of the Parables. Fr. Sirico pulled back the veil of modernity to reveal the timeless economic wisdom of the parables.

4. Snow Mass in the Pine Grove

Several of the Catholic students at Hope constructed a snow altar in the Pine Grove behind Graves Hall, complete with altar rail, ambo, and credence table. Fr. Nick celebrated Mass on the altar twice in early February.

5. Men of Hope

On February 9, men of Hope College gathered with seven of the coaches of Hope Athletics and the Athletic Director for a discussion on living out their faith, how they are called to treat women as men of God, and practical advice on dating and marriage.

6. Understanding Fertility

In February and March, we invited the women of Hope College to attend a series of three seminars on fertility and women’s health. Students had great conversations with Dr. Kim Barrows, Melissa Mulder, Carly McShane, and Laura Cole.

7. Richard Ray: Pilgrimage and Desire

On February 16, author and Hope College professor Richard Ray told the story of how a sacred journey to a sacred place resulted in a sacred purpose: the reordering of his desires and the reshaping of his heart.

8. Immersion Trip to Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Over spring break, Fr. Nick took a group of students to Saint Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana for a week of immersion in monastic religious life. Students joined the monks five times per day for prayer, worked on an outdoor project on the monastery grounds, and spent time with the monks.

9. Jared Ortiz: The Radical Doctrine of One God

In this talk, our very own Jared Ortiz explored the opening line of the Nicene Creed by situating it in its historical context. The talk draws on his forthcoming book The Nicene Creed: A Scriptural, Historical, and Theological Commentary (Baker Academic) co-authored with Daniel Keating.

10. Beautiful On-Campus Masses

Fr. Nick, liturgy intern William Hurley, and our student altar servers and choir did excellent work beautifying the Mass offered on Hope’s campus this year. This included a Mass with incense for Divine Mercy Sunday.