Lenten Meditation Series Available to Watch On Demand

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Father Nick Monco delivered the first in our series of Lenten meditations on February 16, 2021.

How has your Lent been going?

If you need a boost, we’re pleased to have all four sessions of our “In the Desert with Christ” Lenten series now posted to view at your convenience!

We began the series with our campus chaplain, Father Nick Monco. Father Nick took us through the realities of spiritual warfare - a most apropos meditation for the beginning of Lent.

Next, Professor Kevin Kambo joined us, leading us in a discussion on prayer: what it is, why we do it, and how to pray. Looking to the saints and Church teaching, we explored ways to pray, great and small.

Our campus minister Carly McShane led the third installment in our series. Tackling fasting and alms, Carly showed us the beauty of these sacrifices and how they elevate our prayer life, bringing us ever closer to the Lord.

Finally, Saint Benedict Institute co-founder Jack Mulder closed out our series with an exploration on suffering. What does it mean when our Lord himself suffers in agony? How can we understand suffering and join ours to his?

If you missed the series, want to share with friends, or simply want to watch again, check out our YouTube channel to view each session in its entirety.