In the Desert with Christ: Lent 2021


This Lent, we are pleased to present a series of virtual meditations to help our students and supporters enter more deeply into this sacred season. All are welcome to join!

After Christ is baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove and God says, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). Immediately afterward, this same Spirit leads Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Join us for four Lenten meditations that will help us to go into the desert with Jesus, to fast and pray and to confront our demons, armed with the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

Each virtual event takes place at 7:00 p.m. EST

February 16: Preparing for Battle: The Basics of Spiritual Warfare with Father Nick Monco
At the heart of Christian life is friendship with Jesus Christ. The lived reality of a Christian in this world is that there are forces, internal and external, working against that loving relationship. Fr. Nick Monco will name those forces and discuss how fighting against them brings us closer to God.

February 23: Teach Us How to Pray: Prayer for Beginners with Kevin Kambo

What is prayer? Why do we pray? How do we pray? Looking to Christ, his saints, and the liturgy of the Church, we shall explore answers to these questions, and find in them sure guides and support for the soul's pilgrimage to God.

March 2: The Wings of Prayer: Fasting and Giving with Carly McShane
Two years ago, in his Ash Wednesday homily Pope Francis said, "Lent is a time of grace that liberates the heart from vanity...It is a time of healing from addictions that seduce us. It is a time to fix our gaze on what abides." In this reflection we will examine how the practices of fasting and almsgiving build in us a greater freedom, help us to return to the Lord, and to be open to His love and mercy.

March 9: The Power of Lament: The Sorrowful Mysteries with Jack Mulder
Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are all redemptive, but there is something special about his suffering. What is it? How can we join our suffering with his? How can the Lord of heaven and earth be in agony and what does it mean for us? We'll spend some time meditating on these questions and pray a bit of the Sorrowful Mysteries.

Registration is now open for these events. Sign up here.

Interested in more Saint Benedict Institute events? Visit our Calendar to view and register for other virtual lectures.